ReStore Questions & Answers
Is The ReStore Open to the public?
Yes! The ReStore is open
Tuesday-Friday 10:00am to 6:00pm
Saturdays 10:00am to 4:30pm
Can The ReStore Deliver My Purchase?
We are not able to deliver. However, we do allow till the end of the next business day for you to pick up the items, which will allow you time to arrange transportation for your goods.
What Types Of Payment Do You Accept A The ReStore?
We gladly accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Tap-To-Pay (Apple Pay & Google Pay, and Cash. Sorry, no checks
Since we price items half off of retail prices, we will not negotiate or haggle. We do, however, reduce prices on items that have been in store for a long amount of time. Once an item has been here a month, we start to look at reducing the price.
Donation Questions & Answers
Where Do I Bring My Donations?
Head around the right side of our building to the back and you'll pull under the awning that says "Donation Dropoff"
Our back is always staffed, so there is always someone able to help you with your donation!
Where Does The Merchandise Come From?
We get most of our merchandise from community donations. Every day that our store is open, we accept donations, so our stock is always changing.
We also have a few sections of purchased products that are brand new, such as paint, paint supplies, light bulbs, bungees, and more!
What Kind Of Items Do You Take In On Donation?
We take many varieties of items that our in like new condition! Click the Acceptance List button and take a look at our list of accepted items.
What Time Are Donation Hours?
Our Donation hours are
Tuesday - Friday 10:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday 10:00am - 3:30 pm
We have some of the latest donation hours in the area!
Misc. Questions & Answers
May I Return My Purchase If I Find That It Is Defective Or I Change My Mind?
Product that does not work as intended, like light fixtures or appliances, may be returned with a receipt within 30 days to get full money back.
As-Is products are non-returnable.
For other issues such as the item doesn't meet the measurements you need or just not needed anymore, we would give you a store credit.
If I Call The ReStore, Can Someone Locate A Specific Item for Me?
We can try. But given time and that our inventory is all donation-based, it is ever changing. This can make locating a particular item a little more challenging than a big box store. We recommend that you visit the store in person to find what you are seeking, also who knows what else you might find!
Still Have A Question?
If you have any questions that you did not see answered here, just give us a call and we will do our best to give you the answer you are needing!
(507) 388-6682
1730 Bassett Dr, Mankato MN 56001
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